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Wedding Planner or Wedding Stage Decorator

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Wedding Planner Or Stage Decorator? We Malayalees mostly hear the Term “Wedding Stage Decorator” than Wedding Planner. Let’s explain both terms.

Who is Called Wedding Stage Decorator?

A “Wedding Stage Decorator” is one who doing wedding stage decoration.  He may not usually have any role in the wedding planning. He will make designs as suggested by a Wedding Planner or an Event Management Company. Nowadays, wedding event management outsources these works to skilled the labors.  There is no fixed working-hour for the wedding stage decoration work. The completion of each stage will usually long from 8 hrs to even 1 week time.

Who is Called Wedding Planner? 

One who plans and Execute Weddings called as ‘Wedding Planner.’ He/She assigned for the post of wedding planner should have a thorough knowledge of the traditions of the wedding. The client appointing the wedding planner to execute their wedding and thus by reducing the tension on their big day. In European Countries, wedding planner charges per hour basis. If it’s a big Wedding, definitely you need a Good Wedding planner to execute the event.


Call Us For the Wedding Stage Decoration: 8943 906 399



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